Energy saving the rational use of energy. Of course, the technical reconstruction of industrial plants and heats races, the introduction of new technologies, the exploitation of the thermal energy, the use of renewable energy sources require huge costs. But the long-standing practice of the European countries, convinced that the revision, in our daily life, their habits and behavior, can greatly reduce the energy requirements. And this does not mean a deterioration in the standard of living or sacrificing comfort.

Of the total energy consumed in everyday life, the lion's share with 79% goes to space heating, 15% of the energy used, the thermal processes (heating water, cooking, etc.), 5% of the energy consumed by electrical household appliances, and 1% of the energy for lighting, Radio and TV technology.
What is 1 kW/h of energy?
You need 1 kW/h energy:
- 50 hours of listening to the Radio
- 110 hours electric razor to shave
- to 17 hours to burn the lamp a power of 60W can,
- 12 hours of color TV watch
- 2 Hours Vacuuming
- you take 5 minute shower
- heating at 6 degrees full tub of water (150L)
The account of energy resources
In the laws of the Republic of Belarus "On energy saving" is provided, the mandatory consideration of the preserved natural and legal persons for the supply of energy. The work in this direction is in progress and is getting bigger and bigger. So in all the new houses the measurement devices, during construction and in the old housing stock in need of it ourselves.
This allows:
- you only pay for the amount of energy resource that you will receive
- refuse to pay to energy source low quality
- on the energy resources more effectively save power function
The system of devices of the account of energy resources are expensive, but its payback-in some cases, good enough.
Heating of apartments
Heating costs, the highest article for the payment of municipal services. In this Situation, the introduction of the accounting systems is able to monitor and control the receipt and use of thermal energy. And that it is important that such systems offer economic, eg, a lever in relations with suppliers. Learn how to use properly, primarily thermal energy, in our country, especially.
Power save function
Energy saving and cost reduction on the one hand, the easiest way, in most cases, missing, or disabled accounting, and ongoing activities to give a direct economic impact. On the other hand, is more difficult, because there is no activities, which is a great saving. How to save electricity — thin, hard and constant work. Energy costs in the budget for 9-10% of the total required energy. And although the use of household electrical appliances energy-saving potential (in comparison with the heating and hot water) is limited, but after you paid bills, you can see that this type of energy is relatively expensive. When buying electrical appliances, pay attention to the power consumption, compare different models and manufacturers. In the family of 4 people, 1/5 of the electricity goes to the care of the things, clothes. The use of modern technology and changing our habits can save up to 40% of the electricity.
Did you know?
That a faucet that is dripping with water (10 drops per Minute), this results in up to 2,000 liters of water per year. And if each of the four family members, leaves open the tap only 5 minutes per day, you will lose 7 kWh of energy, accused in the window, a huge sum? You can take a shower to take, much cheaper than a bathroom. To take a bath (140-180 L) they consume three times more energy than a 5-minute shower. Nebulizer on cranes allows for the efficient use of water.

Household appliances
Each equipment must be selected on the basis of the needs. I guess, many would agree that the acquisition of professional, office vacuum cleaner for a small apartment impractical, such as and powerful washing machine for 7 kilos of Laundry for a small family. And yet, household appliances more and more energy happens saving. There is an opinion that it is more expensive. Actually, it is not so, or at least not much, and the savings in operation will affect repeatedly.
Energy saving in the use of the lighting
Light in the house must be a lot, it has a positive impact on the health, and generally is warm and dry. But very bright light homeopath local, spot lighting can be used in an irritant, therefore, effective. Now very many different chandeliers, floor lamps, wall sconces and lamps. There is the possibility, according to taste, space and budget. Use relevant type of lighting: On-the-job (not important for a or a kitchen table) good fluorescent lamps use LD with soft light. If this is the Desk that you and especially your child, spend a lot of time, it is desirable that this lamp was equipped with a high-frequency electronic ballast. In the hallway and in the kitchen, where the light shines, sometimes around the clock, it is advisable to use compact fluorescent lamps. They are more expensive than normal lamps, but if you are not accustomed to, turn on light, quick to pay off. To replace especially since light is the power in you, so that you can with success in the light of strong lamps.
The use of modern lighting technology (energy-saving lamps, light systems) saves up to 60% electricity. Condition the economic use of lighting — planning compliance with the requirements of the light and of the light-emitting technology, Mnogoplanovo chandelier on the ceiling provides the lighting of the whole space, but leads to an undesirable formation of shadows when working at a Desk, sewing machine in the corner with toys. Targeted lighting, in spite of the lower performance of the lamps, better illumination without unwanted shadows.
The more often you burn out the normal light bulbs, the faster you will be. Economically normal light bulb to turn off only when you need not light within 10 minutes. For the manufacture of new lamps require more energy than they save function often, you switch off for a short period of time. It is important to understand that energy does not save as a waiver of any comfort, but, on the contrary, the goals of energy saving (including the government) is to provide the necessary living conditions for the population as a whole.
Saving energy in everyday life
Practical ways of saving energy in everyday life do not require large investments, and the obtained empirically!
In connection with the constantly rising electricity prices are becoming more and more important the possibility to limit the costs on their wages. This is a variety of ways. The most fashionable possibilities of energy saving in everyday life, those in connection with the new technologies, which you wrote pretty much. However, there is the possibility of not requiring much effort and expertise, they will help you, if you consumption of the reason the culture of the current rules.
Consider these possibilities in Detail:
Energy saving in lighting of common areas
In General, in the examination of this question, the Installation of motion detectors and energy-saving lamps in the stairwells and basements. In this case, the issue price can reach together with the costs for the Installation of large heights.
A simple way consists of a that semiconductor diode (300V, 3A) in the break-up of the management to implement, including the lighting in the stairwell or in the basement. The whole job takes 5 minutes. The size of the diodes (e.g. 1N5404), it fits in the housing of the switch. The Diode passes only a half wave of the mains voltage. With the decrease in the voltage at the bulbs power consumption power falls to you, and dramatically increases the service life. The author himself experienced Service incandescent lamps, after such a correction within a period of 7 years.

Power save function in the kitchen
If you have a kettle that does not fill prior to the cook him to the edge. You pour as much as you need now. The budget still implement it to heat up again. And again, you get an extra power consumption. Capacity of the teapot is usually 1.5-2 kW. This is a significant contribution to the monthly power consumption.
If you have an electric stove, you should know that in the selection of the dishes, not the size of the plate, lost 5-10 percent of the energy harness with twisted floor "steals" up to 40-60 percent. So, the bottom of the cookware must be flat with the size corresponding to the diameter of the cooking plate. Remember that a fast evaporation of water during boiling, the cooking time increases to 30 percent. To reduce the boil of the liquid power, is on the hot plate.
Power save function when washing
Read the instructions for dealing with household appliances. Not all cars are looking for the optimal amount of water in the case of incomplete loading. The more water and the higher the wash temperature, the more the energy machine is proof. In case of incomplete utilization of the machine pererastaet up to 15 percent of the energy, in the case of incorrect application of washing up to 30 percent.
Energy-saving lighting in the apartment
In General, in apartments with long hallways, and the kitchen light is burning constantly. In these spaces in the first line value light bulbs replace lamps on energy saving. These lamps have a warranty of at least one year. During this time, you will be completely paid back and even give a saving in the budget. Lamp with a power of 14 watts equivalent to 60 Watt of a incandescent bulb. Simply choose a lamp of the well-known company.
Leads to a substantial reduction of the power consumption, the use of bright Wallpaper and ceiling, light transparent curtains, a moderate amount of furniture and colors in the room. You should never neglect the light of day.
Power save function in the case of the use of the refrigerator
If you buy new appliances, then select your category A. These devices are still in the planning phase, as energy-saving. If you restrict the cooling, so implement it in the shady and cool place of the apartment. If you have a compressor fridge, and you use a of the cooling, turn off the compressor. In General, the control equipment of the refrigerator is allowed.
Power save function when Ironing clothes
Try underwear not overdry, because when Ironing, you need more than a hot iron and more time to produce the desired result. Another "Trick" allows to reduce costs, is the use of an aluminum foil, the Board will fit under the fabric by Ironing. The foil of heat energy is dissipated and focused even in the tissue.
Power save function when the cleaning of the apartment
In the case of the use of the vacuum cleaner more often a waste from the Container for his collection, and to rinse or change Filter for incoming and outgoing air. Additional resistance to the air consumption leads to an overheating of the motor of the vacuum cleaner and a sharp rise in the current. For example, when filling the container for the collection of dust to 30%, the power consumption increases to 40-50%.

Saving energy during switch-off of the Standby consumer electronics
Little who thinks that the Standby mode of household appliances is a hole in the bag, through the locks of your money. For example, a television with a diagonal of 54 cm "eats" in the Standby-mode, 9 kW, 8 kW, music system, Video Player, 4 kW, etc. do you expect your household appliances, why in the Standby mode? It is so hard to press the power button? There is a further aspect that you will be constantly connected to the electricity grid and in case of an accident, you can only lose. In such cases there were.
Energy saving with the shutdown of mobile phone chargers
Of course, the loss from the fact that these devices contain constantly in the wall are not as large as other household appliances. However, the "chargers" are pulsed power sources to operate such equipment "not" may, without a load. If you are not with mobile phone, walkman, Laptop, etc., such devices and lead to a fire can be!
Computer, Internet, etc.
If you are not using your PC, such as the way to work or school, with intent to disable expensive equipment. So you can be the life of the equipment and reduce the energy consumption of the apartment. Also, Yes, exactly, no one will be able to steal your data, and developments in your absence, because your Computer is de-energized.
Simply use these tips and save your money, strength and nerves. Certainly, they offer the potential for energy saving in everyday life. You have to train your brain and share them with others. The greatest happiness in life is the happiness of all human communication is!