A normal person will save to read an article about energy? No, of course. If only one child in the school a presentation will have to ask on the subject, or suddenly, for the case of the diploma.

In rare cases, the cause of this reading for executives, saved the Cash amount can be in the consumable energy in buildings. In a global perspective, in recent years, for most of us, saving energy is something abstract and hardly anyone thinks about the relations between your actions and their consequences for the environment.
But why write this article persistent. Here we are no exception. Maybe the topic is still important and someone is trying to reach in this way to us? Let's see. And offer start to that is energy-saving and what tasks it solves.
Energy efficiency is a series of measures for the efficient and economical use of energy resources.
That is, the task is clear – to use the resources of the planet.
Why save and resource save?
A large number of quarries electricity associated with non-renewable natural resources. That means, basically, any lighted lamp is minus a certain amount of minerals. And every miracle a burning lamp is an unforgivable waste.
Coal, oil, Gas ever on the planet earth.
Of course, there is the energy of the sea, the sun, the wind and the earth, but remember, you know many of the productions, the work is stable, let's say, on solar batteries? To you is negligible (remember that they are there) and let's be realistic – it is unlikely, in the near future, new technologies will displace the reduces old and the production of oil and Gas to a Minimum. And the process of energy does not hold consumption, and even on the contrary, increased.
With the increase of industrial development and the production of electricity in different ways and pushes large amounts of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, and the area of forests that absorb CO2 is inevitably reduced. This is the main cause of global warming.
And here we come to some abstract concepts. It seems to be where we are and where global warming is? And how it relates to?
For us it relates to. All

Global warming leads to irreversible changes in the climate of the planet. The experts for the study of climate in its reports, expressly declare, that the humanity, it is time to extract all minerals stop. This is especially true for China, USA, EU and India. These countries give the maximum amount of harmful emissions into the atmosphere. Russia still has not taken in the "black" list, but only because of the decline of industrial production in the 90s. however, the Problem affects everyone, because the air pollution affects the climate of the whole earth. And each country makes its contribution. And in fact, every one of us. You assess the impact of this "contribution".
The effects of climate change for the planet
Glaciers are melting, the level of the oceans is rising, the ecosystem is out of balance and increases the overall temperature of the planet. What are the consequences of this?
Floods and downpours
If the water level rises at least a metre, so many Islands turn in the story. The coast line moves deep into the continents. These natural disasters cause inevitable death of people and animals.
Hurricanes, Droughts, Forest Fires
Most of Africa, the already not enough drinking water is affected. But also on many continents, small rivers and lakes disappear. A chain starts another – disappears, the habitat for a variety of creatures. Accordingly, they will disappear, or Hiking.
The spread of diseases
With increasing temperature, the Migration of animals and insects in search of itself a pleasant habitat occurs. With you will and spread disease, including those found of which no medicines. It is a spread of epidemics.
More than the harsh Winter
Strangely enough, but the violation of the Eco-Balance-the strange way of influence on the changes of climatic conditions. In some countries, the winter will be reversed, and this is an additional burden for the energy sector.
Could increased volcanic activity and other disasters
Natural hazards are not the exception but the rule. And the presence of pollutants in the air already leads to diseases of the respiratory system, Asthma, Bronchitis, allergies. Come on!

What can we do?
Not visible is the direct communication between the dying of floods or suffer from drought and inefficient consumption of energy resources? Yes, the connection is not obvious. But now you know exactly what it is. As there is a relationship between the one who throws a cigarette butt on the street, past garbage cans and piles of garbage on the roadside.
If any of his personal commitment not to the other, and depending on that the next generations will receive from us unenviable inheritance.
We are not like the Marquise de Pompadour and her famous "After us the deluge!" We are smarter than that. We behave like civilized people and not only that can be called. And we start with the effective use of the resources we have.
In this Blog we tell you how the improvement of energy efficiency in our production facilities, warehouses, Parking lots, offices, schools, and in private homes. Practical tips, Tricks, and Workshops on the design of energy-efficient projects – here's our contribution to the common cause is. The light bulbs, luminaires and systems that we design are responsible.