Paying for utilities during these times can severely affect the family budget. And most of those expenses are utility bills. So how can you cut costs and save energy?
Make sure that everyone turns off the light after themselves, cooking on low heat is good, but not an exhaustive solution to the problem, since such measures will not bring tangible results. There are some simple tips that will significantly reduce the "burden" on your wallet.
First of all, you need to know which devices are the most "gluttonous" - these are devices with heating coils and thermocouples: instantaneous water heaters, boilers and accumulators with heated water, electric floor heating.
It also includes: a kettle, an electric stove, an oven, an electric fireplace, all kinds of heaters, a hair dryer and an iron. Powerful engines that consume a lot of electricity effectively "help" rewind kilowatts. Leadership can boast: an air conditioning compressor, a punch and a drill, a refrigerator, a dishwasher, as well as a washing machine that has both an electric motor and heating elements.
If you did not have time to install energy-saving lamps that consume 4. 5-5 times less electricity, then it's time to buy them. They are, of course, more valuable than ordinary ones, but their service life is several times longer than that of incandescent lamps, and they consume less electricity.

Remember: five 20-watt CFLs use as much electricity as a traditional "hundred" and each of them can produce the same, and sometimes brighter, light output.
A modern person who can no longer imagine the benefits of civilization cannot do without a large number of devices of all kinds, electric lights, warm batteries and household appliances that create the usual "comfort zone" for him. For him, the issues areSaving electricity and, in general, reducing maintenance costs is very relevant, so it is helpful to know about devices that help you save.
TVs and multimedia devices. Modern "flat" devices - plasma and LCD - consume less energy, this also applies to computer monitors. An unnecessarily turned on 17-inch Kinescope monitor can "wind up" more than 190 kW / h per year. Using the "economy mode", which is equipped with all modern models, for a computer monitor, you can get 130-135 kW during the year/ h save.
computers. The latest computer generations are equipped with an energy saving function. It's worth activating (if it doesn't activate automatically). This reduces the computer's energy consumption by about 50%.
Some computer hardware, such asB. a graphics or sound card or a processor, consume more energy than other components. Therefore, when buying a new element for a computer, you need to pay attention to its energy efficiency.
A vacuum cleaner. In order for the vacuum cleaner to work in the most energy-efficient mode, it is necessary to timely clean or replace the dust container. Do not forget to change or clean the exhaust air filters as well.
Mobile devices. It is worth remembering that "charging" in the socket consumes energy even after the smartphone has been switched off. If the charger is connected all the time, up to 95% of the energy is wasted.
Copiers, printers, MFPs. A permanently switched on "copier" during the year can consume 1000 kWh more electricity. Copiers consume a lot of electricity when they are first switched on and when they are not working while they are switched onto start with a large amount of materials and turn them off when finished.
electric stove. By using cooking utensils whose dimensions do not correspond to the burner of the electric stove, 5-10% of the energy is lost. To save energy when using electric stoves, use dishes with a bottom of the right shape, equal to or slightly larger than the diameter of the heating surface. Cover the pot with a lid when preparing first courses. Intensive evaporation of water increases cooking time by 20-30% and, accordingly, energy consumption increases by the same amount. Using a pressure cooker reduces cooking time, and thick-walled cookware keeps food warmer longer.
Washing machine. The main reasons for the inefficient operation of washing machines are exceeding the maximum load, as well as the opposite effect - incomplete loading. In the second case, the additional consumption of electricity can be 10-15%. If the washing program is wrong, the additional electricity consumption is up to 30%. Ultrasonic washing in some cases can greatly facilitate the work, and such devices consume about 15 watts (click the image to enlarge).
Air conditioning. To avoid wasting energy, the air conditioning must be operated with the doors and windows closed. Otherwise, the split system cools the street or neighboring rooms, and where cool air is really needed, it gets hot. In addition, when planning the purchase of such a device, remember that today there are modern models of inverter air conditioners, the power consumption of which can be 50% lower than that of conventional systems of similar power.
Refrigerator. The refrigerator should be in a cool place, preferably without sunlight. Also, it should not be placed next to a stove or other appliance that emits heat. If the temperature where the refrigerator is installed reaches 30°C, the power consumption may increase by 100%.
It is also important not to put warm food in the refrigerator. They have to wait until their temperature has dropped to at least room temperature. The freezer needs to be defrosted regularly. A thick layer of ice and frost affects the refrigeration of frozen food and increases energy costs.
Power consumption in standby mode
It's no secret to anyone that a trickle of water from a broken or loosely-sealed faucet flows into dozens, and sometimes hundreds, of gallons of water a day, with the consequences in the form of cash inflows containing a multitude of zeros. And figuratively speaking, in every apartment there are many such loosely closed "faucets" through which electricity constantly "leaks" and is thus financed. We are talking about electrical household appliances that consume energy even in "sleep" mode or in "standby" mode. And since each farm has up to a dozen such devices, a thin trickle can turn into a rather significant "drain" of funds from your own pocket in a year.
The best example of the futility of wasting electricity is an "off" TV, which can be seen in almost every family. You might think that if the screen is blank, no energy is wasted. However, this is not the case. Certain electronic circuitsand the power supply of the TV are under constant voltage to enable communication with the remote control. This consumes electricity in the form of heat from the mains. In winter such a "heater" can be useful, but in summer excessive heat can cause headachesto lead.
Below is a list of devices where you can't hope for energy savings. Devices that "secretly" consume electricity (meaning the amount per 1 hour)
- electric stove with electronic control - 3 watts;
- inkjet and laser printers - from 2 to 4 watts;
- cordless phones (consumer - base) - 1 watt;
- Chargers of various types, mainly for mobile phones - 1 watt.
This is how you save electricity at home – you will find plenty of answers, tips and tricks to this question online. It is also important to remember that reducing electricity consumption not only has a positive impact on your wallet, but also brings about changes on a more global scale, in particular:
- promoting the development of new energy-saving technologies;
- The emission of pollutants into the environment is reduced;
- Improves interior comfort;
- The energy intensity of the country's economy is decreasing;
- Saving energy resources and preserving the environment for future generations.
10 simple and effective ways to save energy
1. Use energy efficient lighting
The easiest way to save light is to replace traditional incandescent bulbs with energy-saving bulbs. Recently, new LEDs have appeared on the market alongside the more common fluorescent lamps with reduced mercury content. They have some advantages - higher mechanical strength due to the absence of a fragile glass bulb and tungsten filaments, durability and independence from frequent switching. The only disadvantage of LED lamps is their high price, but over time they become much cheaper.
2. Turn off the lights when you leave the room.
Also one of the easiest energy saving methods that we neglect for some reason. If you don't have a very good memory, write a reminder and stick it in a visible place at the exit. Over time, this will become a stable habit.
3. Follow the instructions that came with home appliances and monitor their condition
For example, regularly descale a kettle: solid layers of salt on the inner walls of the device create high thermal resistance, which significantly reduces the efficiency of the heating element and, accordingly, increases its energy consumption.
If you put the refrigerator next to a heat source, the power consumption can increase several times, since the device has to work in forced mode to maintain the set temperature. A freezer on a glazed balcony is more useful than in a warm kitchen, where a refrigerator is enough, which in turn needs to be defrosted in time and dusted off by the heat exchanger on the back wall.
4. Give your home a makeover
Even a "simple" cosmetic repair will help save energy. Simple manipulations, such as sticking light-colored wallpaper and painting ceilings in light colors, will allow your room to reflect up to eighty percent of the sun's rays. The darker the material, the less it reflects light, which means more power is needed to light up rooms with dark interiors. Also use the natural light.
5. Wipe light bulbs from dust
One of the most effective ways to save electricity in an apartment is a simple procedure for cleaning light bulbs. Few take this recommendation seriously, as it's much easier to swap out a dimmed light source for a more powerful one. And in vain - because you need to remember that dust can "absorb" up to 20% of the light from the lamp. In addition, do not forget to clean the shades of chandeliers and lamps.
6. Use heat reflectors (heat mirrors)
A sufficiently large amount of electricity is consumed by heating devices used in the cold season. For example, to reduce unnecessary heat and energy losses, heat-reflective screens for batteries made of foamed polyethylene (environmentally friendly polyethylene foam duplicated with lavsan or polypropylene metal foil) will help. This will help raise the temperature in the room by a couple of degrees, and excess heat will not go to the walls and through them to the street.
7. Use a dual-zone meter to pay differentiated tariffs
The tariff for electricity at night (from 23. 00 to 07. 00) is twice lower than during the day. Anyone who works at night or prefers to sleep during the day can not only save on electricity costs by installing a two-tariff meter, but also reduce the likelihood of emergency power failures. Unfortunately, the differential fare system is not popular, and many simply do not know about its existence.
8. Buy household appliances with energy consumption class "A" and higher
Energy efficiency is indicated by classes - from A to G. Class A has the lowest power consumption, G is the least efficient. Most modern household products, lightbulb packaging and even cars must carry an EU energy efficiency label. More economical devices are usually marked with a green label. Energy-saving devices consume significantly less energy than other devices. Also, the difference can sometimes be as much as fifty percent. In addition, today there are devices of class A + and A ++. Its energy-saving capabilities are correspondingly higher.
9. Insulate apartment / house / room
Also one of the most effective methods. In addition to all of the above, you can save energy by taking simple measures to warm the room. First insulate the windows and seal all cracks and ideally replace outdated double-glazed windows with better plastic windows, preferably with energy-saving glasses. It is known that up to 50% of heat can be lost through windows. In winter, too, it is better to hang warm thick night curtains on the windows, as well as to insulate the front doors and the balcony (loggia), you should also remember to insulate the floors in the room.
Insulate the facade of your house or apartment. This also significantly reduces the "load" on the electricity meter, since an effective increase in the thermal insulation capacity of the walls and the elimination of the so-called "cold bridges" not only consumes less electricity for heating in winter, but also keeps it cool in summer. Mineral wool or foam can be used as a heat-insulating material.
10. Application of intelligent technologies and renewable energy sources
In the modern construction industry there is the concept of "smart" home, which implies a system that, above all, provides resource conservation and security with the help of high-tech devices and automation. Of course, it is advisable to start laying "smart" elements for your home already at the planning stage. However, some elements of smart technology can already be equipped with living quarters. For example, you can use special apps on your smartphone to remotely control the heating, air conditioning and lighting.
The most common alternative energy sources are sun and wind. Solar and wind power systems are therefore the most attractive options for homeowners. There are many examples where, for example, solar panels have helped homes save electricity and become energy independent, but the ultimate economic impact of their installation needs to be calculated separately for each. Nevertheless, hardly anyone will deny that the future of renewable energies and their availability for ordinary users is a question of the next few years - this is clearly evidenced by successful experiences abroad.