As the experience shows, ecology and energy are connected save pretty closely. After all, is not to deny that the sustainable use of natural resources have a negative impact on the environment. Today, human activity has already led to the pernicious effects on the environment and energy saving in modern conditions, the only hope for change for the better. The global scale of the transformations can only be achieved if every individual is friendly and economical use of energy resources. And in the near future, the use of alternative sources of energy, coupled with far reaching energy saving is to provide for the possibility of a gentle relationship with nature.
Energy saving

The active operation and the development of fairly rapid industrial and energy companies leads to a variety of problems of ecology, energy conservation, and could contribute to part of your solution. The adoption of the programme on the efficient use of resources at the state level is an important step on the way to the solution of the most important tasks in the field of ecology. And energy is an essential part of this process is to save. How productive technologies for energy saving implemented depends to a large extent and ecological condition. So, on the problems of ecology and energy saving in a systematic approach, given the proportional impact of the ecological health of the Region, on all the processes of life activity of the society should be.
Today, the vast majority of the countries of the world, is committed to the protection of ecology and energy saving – is not the only way to achieve the desired result. Priority in many countries, the use of renewable energy sources today. Similar sources are at the expense and safe to use as traditional sources of energy. The most popular and frequently used alternative energy sources are Solar batteries, generators, wind energy and turbine Installation. Performance current yield is not surpass, in many respects, worse than the well-known and valid sources of receipt of energy resources, and sometimes the various parameters, but the efficiency is much higher. According to experts, in the case of renewable energies, phenomenal potential, and they have no harmful effects on the environment and energy saving in the case of a complete transition to Alternative energies, partially out-of-date. But the most optimistic forecasts promise a complete switch to alternative energy sources, not older than 30-40 years, to the same traditional sources, including ecology and energy saving is suffering in the true sense are vital for the continued existence of mankind.
Questions of ecology and energy efficiency are today in all the regional programs for the development of the energy sector, where one of the main objectives is the preservation of the environment is given, to increase energy efficiency a priority. Holistic approach to ecology and energy saving, all of your benefits. The ordinary citizens are less able to pay the bill for the they burned energy resources, industrial enterprises, how to reduce the huge and small, the cost of the final product and the number of cost-cutting in the production process. Total saved thanks to the rational use of energy resources, the state is able to act directly on the development of the economy and the social sphere, and the main thing – the nature of the location, a little break from the continuous exposure to the people.