Currently, energy saving is one of the priority tasks. It is with a lack of primary energy, with the increase of the value of your loot, but also with the global environmental problems.

What is save energy?
Energy conservation is the efficient use of energy resources through the use of innovative solutions, the points of technically feasible, economically reasonable, and acceptable environmental and social aspects, not the traditional way of life change. This Definition was formulated at the International energy conference.
Save energy in all areas of it comes substantially to a reduction of useless energy losses. Analysis of the losses in the area of production, distribution and consumption of electricity shows that a large part of the losses is reduced by up to 90 percent on the amount of energy consumption, while the losses in the power transmission constitute only 9-10%. Therefore, greater efforts for energy saving are concentrated in the area of power consumption.
The main role in the increase of energy efficiency is one of the modern energy-efficient technologies. Energy – saving process technology-new or improved production, characterized by a high rate of efficiency of use of fuel and energy resources (FER).
The introduction of energy-saving technologies in the economic activity of companies and private individuals at the household level, is one of the most important steps in the solution of many environmental problems – climate change, air pollution (e.g. emissions of CHP plants), the exhaustion of fossil resources, and others.
In General, the following types of technologies, the significant energy-saving effect is implemented:
- General technology for many companies, in connection with the use of the energy (variable-speed motors, heat exchanger, compressed air, lighting, steam, cooling, drying, etc.).
- More efficient energy production, including the modern boilers, heat and electricity, but also heat, cold, electricity; the replacement of the old industrial machinery to a new, more powerful.
- Alternative Sources Of Energy.
The energy saving mode is particularly important for the mechanisms, most of the time, work with a light load conveyors, pumps, fans, etc. There are many devices that drives a reduction of losses in the operation of electrical devices, of which the most important are the capacitor banks and frequency adjustable. Frequency inverter adjustable actuators with integrated optimization of energy consumption, flexible, the speed change in dependence on the actual load, resulting in energy savings of up to 30 to 50% of the electricity consumed. This replacement for the Standard electric motor is often not required, this is particularly important in the modernization of production. This energy-saving drives and automation components embedded in the company and in the housing industry can be on most of the industry: elevators and ventilation systems for the automation of the company.
Of scientists to install, at the part of the heat, the sheath in the tube after the combustion in the production of natural gas for the generation of additional energy, which is able to developed to give the lighting of five buildings from the 16 floors.

Energy-saving technologies in the construction of the complex, the insulation of the walls, energy-efficient roof, energy saving full color, double-glazed Windows, Economy-System heating and cooling surfaces.
One of the most common energy-saving technologies with large potential for improvements in the housing of the heating-cellar. Modern technologies are able to significantly reduce the consumption of energy sources, reduce maintenance costs, increase the efficiency. Moreover, replacement of the boiler system has enabled the company to often go with environmentally dirty and expensive coal or fuel oil to cheaper and cleaner fuels, such as Gas or wood pellets.
There are also great savings if to place instead of the free-standing Central thermal points in the building, single radiator pump with modern noiseless, compact and efficient plastic heat exchangers.
In the organization of ventilation in the building Applied Systems for recovery (Recycling for re-use) heat from the exhaust air and a variable suction units, AHU, depending on the number of persons in the building. These systems do not allow heat to waste, man-made, lighting equipment, trade and office equipment, and thereby reduce the consumption of heat from an external source – a heating system or the boiler room.
An example of houses in the future allowing people to live in harmony with nature, at the same time not depriving themselves of the comforts of home, are the so-called zero-energy houses (zero energy house) or passive houses (passive house), wing preamble: "energy efficient houses".
"Energy-efficient" is used as a house, the pleasant temperatures in the Winter are supported without the use of the heating system and in summer without the use of air-conditioning systems.
Around the house energy-efficient, the construction, the following must be done:
- The use of modern thermal insulation of pipes for heating and hot water.
- The individual source of electricity and heat systems (individual boiler room source or cogeneration energy).
- Heat pumps, the heat of the earth, the heat from the exhaust ventilation air and the heat of the waste water.
- Solar panels in the System of hot water supply and cooling system of the room.
- Heating in each apartment with heat meters and individual control of the thermal regime of the premises.
- The System of mechanical ventilation with individual control and heat recovery of exhaust air.
- In each apartment Controller, to optimize the consumption of heat for heating and ventilation for the apartments.
- The building envelope with increased heat protection and the requirements of services.
- Heat recovery solar radiation in the heat balance of the building on the basis of the optimal selection of the building envelope.
- Devices, the diffuse solar radiation to increase the illuminance of the rooms and to reduce power consumption on lighting.
- Selection of sun protection, constructions of the devices, taking into account the orientation and the irradiation of the facades strength every season.
- The use of the heat of the return water from heating system for the Underfloor heating in the bathrooms.
- Management System of heat-and energy supply, micro-climate of the rooms and the technical equipment of the building, on the basis of the mathematical model of the building, the thermal energy as a unified System.
There are other ways of rational use of energy, and not only in the workplace but also in everyday life. So, for a long time known intelligent "lighting" systems. Energy-saving effect is based on the fact that the light switches on automatically, just when it is needed. The switch has an optical Sensor and a microphone. Day, at high light intensity disables the backlight. In the twilight it comes to the activation of the microphone. If in a radius of up to 5 m noise (e.g., steps or sound-to-open door), the light turns on automatically and lights up, as long as the person is in a room. Such lighting systems use energy-saving lamps.
LED lamps, you can achieve significant energy saving compared to traditional light sources of incandescent light bulbs (up to 80%) and fluorescent lamps (about 40%). These lamps you can set the lighting in different objects: from underground pedestrian crossings and Parking garages, Park-like garden lighting, street lighting, lighting in the housing industry, and poor light conditions

There are promising energy-saving projects in the transport sector. American engineers came close to the production of cars, with attachments, convert the waste heat into electricity. Teploelektrogenerator on the muffler, converts a portion of the heat of the exhaust gas into electrical current, which in the future can support the work of the air conditioning, music system, etc.
German scientists develop highly efficient energy-saving equipment for vehicles with hybrid engines. The device works with oil on the highway and on power in the city, so with relatively less energy.
In his house any consumer of electricity can save, in accordance with the following rules:
- Replace light bulbs incandescent light bulbs with modern energy-saving.
- Turn off unused devices from the network (e.g., a television, a video recorder, a music system).
- On the electric plates and cooking utensils with the ground, not curved, equal to or slightly greater than the diameter of the cooking plate, use cookware with the bottom.
- Washable in the washing machine with a full load and select the correct wash.
- To remove in good time from the electric kettle to descale the machine.
- Not strongly dry underwear, there is savings when Ironing.
- Often pocket change to collect dust in vacuum cleaner.
- You put the fridge in the kitchen, cool place.
- Use bright curtains, Wallpaper.
- Often wash the window, on the window sill, a small number of colors.
- Do not cover the radiator with thick curtains.