"The Relative affordability of local goods, including electric energy, produced in many people a false idea about the fact that these goods are produced by yourself and you are never exhausted".
Why save energy
"Why save, if any of them made available in sufficient quantities at an affordable price? But such a notion of power quickly leads to negative consequences, because the most important resources in the production of energy, are renewable. The lack of a reasonable approach to the use of energy leads to the fact that they are less available and more expensive.

To avoid this, you have to develop many countries in the world for a long time and implement strategies for the increase of efficiency of use of energy resources. In Russia, leakage current is not claimed to occur, and in the energy sector (due to the low efficiency of the plants), and in the industry (mainly due to wear and tear on the Hardware), but also in the sphere of housing and municipal economy. A considerable amount of the energy losses in the housing sector is due to the neglect of the conservation of heat and power on the part of the consumers, i.e. us.The Federal energy-saving program launched at the level of the Nation, you must first start with the education itself.
What can each of us do to help in the preservation of the natural wealth? In fact, methods to improve the rational use of energy resources, there are many, but let's start with the easiest.
If each of us think about at least once a day, that it is necessary to turn off the light in the room where it is burning anything, or disconnect the power cord from the wall outlet, in addition to electric device that is a long time in the Standby mode or in time make an electric oven and cooking dinner for the remainder of the heat, then we are already a significant contribution to energy saving in the Region. Often, we follow generally accepted visual messages of "Leave the light!" or "pay attention to the light!" in public areas and turn off the lights in rooms completely forget about these Golden rules in your own house. Don't you think it strange?
Little who thinks that a hundred 75-Watt incandescent bulbs, the idle one hour "eat" a few kilos of coal or oil, at the same time the substances harmful to the environment pollute.
The next step according to the stages of energy savings, a simple replacement of old light bulbs with new, energy-saving, the cost of energy resources is reduced several times. With the objective of increasing energy efficiency since the beginning of 2011 in our country there is a ban on the sale of incandescent light bulbs with a power of 100 watts, starting at 1. January 2013 - 75-Watt. In addition, since the 1. In January 2014, the ban on the sale of incandescent light bulbs with a power of 25 watts.
Replacement allow not only lamps, but also devices to energy-efficient significant energy savings and thus also the energy costs. It is noted, however, the impact of these actions was discoverable, you need to the energy-saving lamps not only in homes but also in the stairwells, cellars, on the outside, i.e. in the public areas.
By the WAY!
High quality energy saving light bulb, type up to 12 000 hours, equivalent to about 2 - 3 years of operation, in a pretty intense mode.
For the consideration of rational energy consumption, the law provides for a widespread installation (as well as replacement of obsolete) joint house and in the apartment of the crop of the account of electric energy. The proper and legal connection of the power supply and the taking into account of the power consumption with the power meter gives consumers a significant saving and allows you to plan your expenses, relying on the testimony of these devices. Remember that the stream will be available in the public areas, and never free, no delay in the solution of this problem for an indefinite period of time. Much more effective than the control of the System, the energy consumption in the whole house: do not let unnecessary light burned in the stairwells, basements and other public areas of the property; prohibition of the use of electricity on the premises in connection with the content of the community in the house; if necessary, the Touch switches react to the presence of people in public space, etc.
11. November - the international day of energy saving, on this day, events are held, aiming to inform people about the possibilities of the energy to tell saving and renewable energy sources, why it is important to save energy.