Municipal-household sector of the economy is one of the largest consumers of fuel, heat and electricity. Modern life is unthinkable without energy services. Comfortable living environment, people will be lighting, heating, ventilation, air-conditioning, household electrical appliances. Budget-communication, information and Entertainment Service be made via mobile phones, TV, Computer etc. who has learned, power saving function, water, heat, Gas in his apartment, more understanding of the need for energy conservation in the home and at work

Due to its geographical location, Belarus belongs to the countries with relatively cold to severe winters. The duration of the heating period is about 200 days, what determines a significant share of the energy consumption for heating. At the household level, the total amount of energy consumption of resources, Republic consumes almost 40%. Consumption ZHILISHCHNO-municipal sector heat energy is used for heating (60-70%), and including warm water(30-40%).
Unfortunately, the effectiveness of the budget is power in our Republic is on a very low level. For heating and hot water supply of apartments, the average family of 3-4 people a year in CHP or in boilers and burned more than 3 is here. In addition, this family per year 1200-1800 kWh of electricity. These values, on average, 2 times higher than in the industrialised European countries with a comparable climate. At this Energy the comfort in our homes clearly are missing a lot of modern household appliances which are not supported in the rooms often sufficiently high temperatures, to the air quality left. And household-energy-comfort in many ways determines the quality of life of the population, human health, the availability of free time.
The Association of foreign and domestic indicators pointing to a high potential for energy savings at the household level, mainly due to the thermal energy, and the necessity of its active implementation, with the aim of saving energy resources and improving the quality of life of the people. For the solution of these tasks, in the framework of the State program "energy saving", and led to a series of long-term and short-term activities.
Essential for the success of their solutions are as follows:
- psychological mood and the desire of the population to economical use of energy resources;
- Knowledge of the energy-saving potential and the ability of their application in daily life;
- the zealous attitude of the people to the use of energy, comfortable on a subconscious level, the internal discipline is already energy-consuming.
If the first two conditions can be provided in a relatively short period of time due to the economic, organisational and administrative support, information and education measures, so the last condition requires a long time, as in humans, involves the formation of childhood, a certain culture of behavior and the habits that go through the concern for the future of the energetic and environmental well-being of our planet. Therefore, it is organized in the Republic, and improved multi-stage system of education in the areas of energy saving, constant information and advertising work.
Largely existing Potential of power savings can be implemented in the residential home industry, in a short time the apartment owners with simple, cost-effective and effective ways. It is important to understand that energy saving is not as a waiver of any comfort, but, on the contrary, the manner of securing the conditions of living necessary for a particular Person and the society in General, in the case of a limited number of primary energy resources.
The basic principles of the development of the programme for the reduction of energy consumption in everyday life
With what they should begin work on the reduction of energy consumption? First and foremost, you need to decide, with the volumes of consumption of different types of resources and the amounts of the payment, i.e., hold a specific energy audits. The counter help (when available) and invoices for the energy consumption, as well as simple calculations and measurements. Preferably, the medium or the specific values of consumption of the resource for different periods of time (week, month, year) define. This is the prerequisite for a constant and systematic work, according to the energy conservation. For the estimation of potential of power savings to compare the obtained values with the standards and European indicators.
It helps in answering the first question – what are the savings of the resource is a priority? Logical answer, which is taken into account, because it brings them direct benefit. Of course, the implementation of complex energy-saving measures, which may not bring direct and immediate savings after a detailed analysis of all the advantages of the use of their introduction. Here is just we take into account only the electrical energy, the payment of other energy resources is divided evenly between the many household customers. However, you should know that the economy each energy resource reduces the total consumption and the overall cost to him, and your Budget including. In addition, the Situation will gradually change: sooner or later all energy resources will be taken into account, and those who learn earlier to save you, it will be much easier. If all types of energy supply, are taken into account, it is necessary to correlate the costs for the implementation of energy-saving measures and the use of them, then rank. From this, the objectives and the programme of its activities to the energy saving result by the expected returns.
You consider possible measures for the conservation of all types of energy consumed in everyday life.
Saving of heat energy.
Currently, performance indicators, little heat is often for a number of reasons: high costs, insufficient processing and the accuracy of the measurement, etc., But this is a question you can look at it from a different angle: how do you support in the home is a pleasant temperature in the case of poor heating? First, you prepare the heating System.
Convectors must rinse the inside and clean regularly the dust from the outside. In operation, the inner surface is rust and encrustations is achieved; sometimes thick deposits of this order of magnitude that the channel substantially prevents water, let alone the transfer of heat. To ensure air circulation, do not clutter the room should be set up in the vicinity of heaters. Strictly prohibited to connect these decorative plates, sheets and even curtains, because in addition to the drastic reduction in heat transmission this leads to increased heat loss. With the aim of reducing heat losses through a wall, the heater for the heater, and the improvement of the air circulation is recommended to increase the distance between the device and the wall. Also it is recommended for convectors, heat-reflective screen and the insulating layer. For the restriction of the transfer of the heated air to the surface of the inner glass of the window, the Installation of a wide podokonnoj requires the boards. The colouring of radiators oil reduces the heat transfer to 8-13 %, therefore it is recommended to whitewash zinc.
Together with the Problem of insufficient heating is available and the Problem of para-tope. Of para-tope in General, the residents suffer in proximity to sources of heat supply to the houses. The basic para-tope – unbalanced heating system. So the way - you have to self-regulate. To do this look, whether you are on the pipe line of the heating (1) bypass (4). To install maybe the builders just "forget" it. Then the Installation of the bypass (4) and the Thermostat (2), or even a simple ball valve allows the amount of coolant through the heater (3) and regulate the temperature in the room.
The Problem of cooling that is much more complicated. The cause of the low temperature in our homes the poor quality of the supply of heat and enormous heat loss is not. The specific consumption of thermal energy per square meter of housing in our Republic 2-4 times (depending on the type of building) is higher than in European countries with a similar climate. This suggests that it is produced and even in the house a lot of heat, but it is immediately lost. Heat losses in the buildings according to the Beltei, on average, are distributed as follows:
- Window – 36%;
- Ventilation – 28%;
- Wall – 26%;
- overlap, basement – 10%.
Since the heat losses are spread over the window, then isolate (better exchange) should be their in the first place. The most effective way, the system of double-glazed Windows is. Now, a lot of Designs, different skills, warmth, life, environmental characteristics and price accordingly. Conventional glazing included dehumidified air between the glasses, and only increased air impermeability, ease of cleaning and aesthetic views differ from normal Windows. Are filled pasting, double-glazing and double-glazing, inert gases. They have a large thermal resistance. Glasses can be covered with low-e termootrazhayuschim foil, which prevents the maintenance of heat in the Form of radiation and reduces the heat loss through the window at 30-35%. Double glazing, manufactured with the most advanced technologies have walls, a heat-resistance than ordinary on the outside. Often the glazing instead of the inner glazing in the Standard framework. This triple glazing, it turns out, making an even bigger compensate for the heat losses.
If the installation of double-glazed Windows means no, then you need to be on the reduction of heat losses through the existing window. To wash first, glass thoroughly, in order to save on the lighting function. Secondly, you need to eliminate all the cracks and leaks. You can glue paper, but it should in calm weather. To address the gaps between the frame and the concrete box you can get the mounting foam. The jars must be intact. Cheap and very effective solution for drilling on the inner surface of the outer book page for more grooves, and the Installation of additional glass (in good condition of cover), or a transparent polymer film. It turns out, triple glazing and the heat loss through the Windows reduced to 20-30%. To reduce the humidity of the air between the covers recommended adsorbents is. Dry air has a lower thermal conductivity and, in addition, reduces the intensity of fogging and freezing of the discs. In the Winter it is advisable to hang thick curtains not closing at the end of the radiator. The glazing of balconies and loggias generally reduced the heat loss to be 10...13 %. To reduce the heat losses through doorways built-in double doors, doors with a Ghost image, seal, must be Tambura to classify it.
Then you need to take care of the ventilation, which creates in the Winter often excessive cravings. In the kitchen, the vent hole is possible to cover, in part, in the bathroom at all to close, since it is unnecessary to humidify the dry air (in Winter, the air in heated rooms has a moisture, resulting in a negative impact on health) and create a feeling of warmth. Further, it is recommended to insulate the exterior walls, if the room is rectangular, and the walls of the staircases on.
Power save function
Energy saving in the use of electric cookers.
Firstly, you need to the electric stove alternatives: electro science, elektrokofemolke, microwave devices, which have a much greater degree of efficiency.
Secondly, the plate is the cause. Propavshaya, with chipping and swelling, dirty heating elements meet the significantly worse your function, if, of course, meet.
Thirdly, you must have the appropriate utensils. Each time you select the size of the dishes, in the appropriate Situation. All of the dishes with lids. The fact that without the lid requires twice as much energy, and not everything is equal, no cover at all, or is very close. The bottom of the cookware for electric stoves must be level and solid to the heating element. When cooking or boiling water suitable for the hob to turn off a little earlier final readiness or the boiling of the water, which saves up to 20% energy due to the thermal inertia of the heated stove plate. In the preparation of several meals you can function between 10 and 30% electricity saving, if you are prepared not-yet-cooled burner for the preheating of the water in the dishes, all fresh, if you previously defended water at room temperature, not cold straight from the tap
Power save function when using plates of all kinds of products for the heat treatment requires a long time, better cooking quick cooking pots. To install at the beginning of the cooking burner on full power, and to reduce the boiling of the water to a Minimum, since the boiling point of water depends on the power input, heat flow, and is 100°C., And the speed for the production of the product depends only on the temperature. So the excess heat in this case, only the evaporation of the water in the room (humidity) and leads to a waste of energy (electricity or Gas), without influence on the cooking time.