Electricity — the well-being of civilization, but the cost for the kilowatt-hours gradually grows and issues of energy saving are becoming more and more urgent and important. What measures can be taken, each of us, in order to save a dime? Try to understand!

Culture the use of Gadgets and household appliances
We start with what practically nobody does — disconnected from mains-chargers, TV's, household appliances. The charger in the socket left to continue to work, that is, idle, and power consumption in it depends on the circuit design and the performance of the device. He has every type of power sources, such as transformer and pulsed. In all modern household appliances, such as microwave, air conditioning, TV, or a TV-Tuner, LEDs, Displays, LEDs, etc. also consume energy, Yes, and the power supply, for example, when the TV is switched off "with remote control" works in the Standby mode. The Standby mode is the Standby mode, the technique, expect you can turn the Signal from the or set the Timer in hours. To this topic in the network there are many studies that we have accumulated, and the obtained data is calculated on the consumption of some devices in the "idle" or Standby mode, and reduces them in a list:
- Satellite Receiver or Tuner for digital television — 5.7 w (50 kW/year);
- - Game console — 0.7-1 Watt (8.7 kW/year);
- TV — 0.3-0.5 w (4.4 kW/year);
- - The Computer is in Sleep mode 3-4 watts (35 kW/year);
- Monitor — 1 Watt (8.7 kW/year);
- - Notebook 0.5 w (4.4 kW/year);
- - Coffee maker — 1.5 Watt (13 kW/year);
- - Washing machine — 0.1 watts (0.9 kW/year);
- - Air conditioning — 3-5 watts (44 kW/year);
- Router (he is constantly in the course of operation and not in Standby) 3-5 watts (44 kW/year).
If in any case the numbers are not save, but in total, a significant number of results. In addition, all unused device can be connected – there is a risk of fire and fire. So do not disconnect equipment from the mains when you use it. Also, you should not be switched on to keep the PC or Laptop constantly. Computer with Monitor consuming 100 watts or more, even if it's just idling (during the matches of the consumption may increase and the half-Kilowatt), the average Laptop 40-60 watts. By the way, you can already come to the conclusion that, if there is no need in the stationary car Laptop burn less power during operation. If you don't need a Computer or Laptop to send it into hibernation, or winter sleep, then the consumption drops to a few watts. The same applies to Tablets to mobile phones. Statistics of the visited sites shows that the largest part of the traffic in the year 2019 – Mobile devices. In addition to the small size and autonomy and cost-effectiveness in mind. For example, the Tablet has a battery with a capacity of almost 9000 Mah voltage 3.7 In, for example, what tells us that it is H. hoard power up to 33 watts/the manufacturer claims up to 10 hours of continuous operation, what Tests and reviewers. What does this mean? The fact that the charging takes up to 40-50 watts of power, when the efficiency of the charger and use the Tablet while it is charging. This energy is sufficient for all day work or surf the Internet, then as a full-fledged Computer consumes in two more per hour. There is no advertising technique from the Apple manufacturer, but only an example in each case. The same can be distinguished from any other device, will only work the number of hours and the number of watts required. You set priorities and clear which device define you enough for the work.
From leaving the light.
If in the year 2019 is not difficult to say something new about the cost-efficiency of LED and fluorescent lamps, it is superfluous to remember that the lighting set Rational use. Forgotten lighting for the night on the wallet fails, even when using LED lamps. Suppose that you turned on the light in the bathroom or in the hallway, how much does it cost over night? If you lamps using LED light bulbs is the greatest demand, with a capacity of 7-10 watts, you can take a larger value. Before going to sleep you forget to turn off the device or intentionally leave the lights switched on in one of the rooms, sleeping about 7-8 hours, then:
10*8 = 80 w/h per night, and wound bulb per year:
80*365=29,2 kW/h
And when the light is lit in several rooms throughout the night? Yes mode, of which we have described above add up to of these devices in Standby? If you are using incandescent bulbs – these are numbers you can multiply 10 times. About forgotten light bulbs are not all the people understand the difference between General and local lighting and screwed strong lamps in a chandelier. Strong the cost for lighting is reduced, if the operating you are using a table lamp, and the General (LED) lighting is less bright. This will help you get a Dimmer or the distribution of the lighting in groups. Also, the Installation of motion sensors for the lighting in these spaces help to save money, how to do it, we have in another article.
Installation helps many of the hourly rate to save significantly. Here there are several options – two-zone, three-zone clocking. For example, these tariffs:
- - For a fare-meter to 5.38 P for 1 kW/h
- - For two zones, clock: in the night (from 23:00 to 07:00) 2,29 P for 1 kW/h a day (from 07:00 to 23:00) to 6.1 P for 1 kW/h;
- Tariff for three meters in the night 2,29 P, Semi-Peak area (in the afternoon and late in the evening, from 10.00 to 17.00 and from 21.00 to 23.00) to 5.38 P, and at peak times (morning and evening from 07:00 to 10:00 and from 17:00 to 21:00) to 7 rubles per 1 kW/h.
To whom is it favorable? Almost all of the works in the daytime, and at night at home – bude cheap Laundry Service, swimming (when used with electric water heater), cooking (if electric stove). Also, many of the fare-meter to reduce the amount of heating if you are heating a private house or an apartment with an Autonomous electric heating (induction boiler, boiler with heat energy and so on.). So you can, while you are at home, the reduction in the performance of the boiler or disabled (light frosts), and after arriving home, include the night accommodation warm. With the help of the Wi-Fi relay or Timer, or other Home Automation Tools, the process automatically, i.e., the performance without your intervention be regulated. This means that you can configure to switch on the heating an hour before the arrival of the work, to go to the apartment.
Energy efficiency
The concept of energy efficiency, sufficiently spacious, and in the eyes of the inhabitants is uncertain. In most cases, under the energy efficiency and energy savings people the Installation of LED or energy-saving light bulbs and purchase LED to understand TVs and monitors. However, it is not so. The increase in energy efficiency is one of the most important tasks of the modern engineers and scientists, and it relates both to the use of potentially new technologies and devices with different principle from the old (the same Inverter the electric motors used in the compressors of refrigerators, washing machines or LED light sources) and a different approach to the method of usual elements and switching technology, for example, increased frequencies of switching power supplies, the optimization of the Regimes of the work of the semiconductor switch with the aim of improving the efficiency of the devices in General. Thus, the entire technique is, according to the energy efficiency classes, it is standardized with the Latin letters from A to G, but in the most important devices with higher classes A+, A++ and A+++, and in this document as a "Directive on the labelling of energy efficiency Label number 2010/30/EU".
Energy efficiency class on the basis of the volume of electricity consumed in the operation and a number of other factors, for each type of technology there is a scale. Not to deep into the Details, we will show you the difference in the classes on a real-world example. On Yandex.Market selected 2 different refrigerator with good reviews and ratings, but different class of energy saving. The difference in the consumption of almost 2 times. But the price differs in the half. But the modern technology of the case, "efficiency" is not limited. In order to save power, it is important to not squander it. This is especially true for those who heated their homes are supplied with electricity. If you have thin walls and under baseboards, and window, regardless of which boiler and Rational, how much you make the heating circuit – is still empty street! Insulation, sealing joints, the use of modern materials in the construction significantly reduces heat loss. Real numbers irrational, because they depend on the respective houses, as well as of other factors, from the Dock to the quality of the walls, the laying of units, the sealing of all sorts of places can get by burning (cold bridges) and the land of the frequency and strength of the wind on your property.
Five rules to save
So, to summarize:
- 1. You separate the technology and charging devices from the network, do not want to pull the plug from the wall socket? There are extension cords, electrical outlets, and even a plug with switch.
- 2. Use energy-saving lamps or LED.
- 3. When buying a new refrigerator or washing machine, you pay attention to the technique of the higher classes
- 4. You ask a lot of fare-meter.
- 5. You examine the house in terms of heat losses (now many professionals offer an inspection with the thermal imaging camera), and problem areas to isolate.